This app worked flawlessly in 1.6 on a 3GS. Now either with the 1.7 update or the iPhone 4, it doesnt wake me up. I can test it for a couple minutes away to make sure it works and thats fine, but when I set it for the next morning (6:00AM) the alarm wont go off. This has happened to me twice now and I was late both times. Very unreliable.
Ill test it more to see wether its a hardware (3GS/4) or a software (1.6/1.7) issue. I dont even care about the running in the back ground feature as long as the app will be reliable and wake me up when its suppose to.
UPDATE: I tried this version with the 3GS and it also doesnt work. So it must be the software version (1.7). Ill try to uninstall and reinstall. Not holding my breath though.
UPDATE-2: downloaded and installed the new version 1.7.1 that fixes a "critical alarm bug" and it works GREAT!
Thnx for listening developers. Its back to an amazing app. 5 Stars
UPDATE-3: app only worked for a bit, now back to the same original problem where the alarm doesnt come on.
UPDATE-4: just downloaded 1.8. Will test it out and let you know.
Okay Ive been testing out 1.8 for the last few days and its still doing the same thing. Its only going off about 30% of the time. Ive even tried it with airplane mode on and wifi off (no interruptions) still no good. This used to be such a sweet app, now I cant rely on it.
Bailey4427 about Awaken